Chapter 4. Main Window

Table of Contents

Go Board
Info Panel
Tool Bar
Status Bar
Accelerator Keys
File Menu
Game Menu
Program Menu
Go Menu
Edit Menu
View Menu
Bookmarks Menu
Tools Menu
Help Menu

Go Board

Clicking on an empty field in the Go board plays a move there. In setup mode, score mode or after certain analyze commands, clicking on a field has a special meaning (see Setup Black, Setup White, Score, and Chapter 7, Analyze Commands).

If Cursor is enabled in the View menu, then fields can be selected with the keyboard by moving the cursor (the gray square corners) with the cursor keys to the target field and pressing Enter. Holding Shift while pressing a cursor key moves the cursor to the next handicap line or to the edge of the board.

The mouse wheel can be used to go forward and backward in the game, if the mouse pointer is located within the Go board. If the shift key is pressed while the mouse wheel is used, the step size is increased to 10 moves.

Info Panel

The panel on the right side of the board shows information about the current position, like the number of prisoner stones and the clock. A text field exists for displaying and editing comment text for the current position. If you select text in the comment field, it will automatically parsed for valid points, which will be marked on the board while the text is selected. Selected text in the comment is also used as a default text for Find in Comments.

Tool Bar

The tool bar contains buttons for frequently used commands from the main menu.

Status Bar

The status bar can show a text line, depending on the current state. A small stone in the left lower corner indicates the current player to move. On the right side, the last move and current variation is shown.

Accelerator Keys

In addition to the accelerator keys shown in the menu, the following accelerator keys are defined:

Make the computer play for the color currently to move.
Focus the main window (if one of the utility windows currently has the focus).

On Mac OS X, the accelerators are defined in combination with the Apple key.

File Menu


Open a game from a file in SGF format or Jago XML format (see Appendix B, XML Format). The file format is auto-detected. Game collections are not supported.

Open Recent

Open a game from a list of recently used files.


Save the current game to the associated file name. If the game has no file name, this menu item acts like Save As. The file will be saves in the same format (SGF or Jago XML) as it originally had when it was loaded.

Save As

Save the current game to a file. If the chosen filename has "xml" as a file ending, it will be saved in XML format (see Appendix B, XML Format), otherwise in SGF format.

Import / Text Position

Import a text position from a file. The import algorithm can handle a variety of formats. However, only full board positions are supported. Non-square positions will be read into the smallest containing square board size at the top left position. Black stones can be represented by 'X', 'x', '@' or '#'; white stones by 'O' or 'o' (however one representation must be used consistently); '.' and '+' are interpreted as empty points. Space characters are allowed between the points; leading numbers (or '|' and '$' characters) are ignored, as well as single inserted invalid lines (to support appended text after the row that was wrapped). If a a line contains the string "b|black|w|white to play|move" (case-insensitive), it will be used to set the current player in the position.

Import / Text Position from Clipboard

Import a text position from the clipboard. Same as Import / Text Position, but parses the text selection copied to the clipboard.

Import / SGF from Clipboard

Import a SGF from the clipboard. Same as Open, but parses the text selection copied to the clipboard.

Export / SGF Position

Export the current position to a file in SGF format.

Export / LaTeX Main Variation

Export the main variation of the current game to a LaTeX file using PSGO style.

Export / LaTeX Position

Export the current position to a LaTeX file using PSGO style. Some board markups are also exported (string labels, marked and selected points).

Export / PNG Image

Export the current position including all markup to an image file in PNG format. The width of the image can be specified in an input dialog, which offers the current width of the board on the screen as the default value. For exporting images with very small sizes, it can produce better results to export to an image with a larger size and use an external graphics program to downscale it using a high-quality scaling algorithm.

Export / Text Position

Export the current position as a text diagram to a file.

Export / Text Position to Clipboard

Export the current position as a text diagram to the clipboard.


Print a screen shot of the current board position, including all markups from analyze commands.


Quit GoGui.

Game Menu

New Game

Start a new game.


Change the game. See Chapter 12, Rules for a complete documentation.

Board Size

Change the board size and start a new game.


Set the number of handicap stones. If handicap stones are used, the komi will be set to zero.

Game Info

Edit the game information.

Computer Color

Choose what side the Go program plays.


Play a pass move.


Halt or resume the clock. If time settings were used, the remaining time for the players is stored in the tree nodes and will be restored when going to a node.


Score the current game. A window will be opened containing score information. First, the Go program will be asked what stones are dead with the final_status_list dead command. Dead stones are marked with a cross-hair. If the Go program does not support this command, or you don't agree with it, you can change the status of stones by clicking on them. If the Ok button is pressed, the score will be added to the game information.


In the current version of GoGui, all points surrounded by only one color are considered to be territory, all points surrounded by both colors are dame points. It is not possible to mark dame points that are surrounded by stones of only one color, which can occur in the Japanese rule set.

Program Menu


Start a program from the list of Go programs and synchronize it to the current game at the current position. If a Go program was already attached, it will be terminated, before the new program is started. If the program is not a Go program, it will be be used as its own ruler. Non-go programs must implement the rules' methods described in (see Chapter 12, Rules).


Terminate the currently attached Go program.

Play Single Move

Make the computer play a move but do not change the computer color.


Interrupt the command that is currently running. This menu item is only active if a lengthy command (like move generation) is running and if the Go program supports interrupting (see Chapter 10, Interrupting Commands).

New Program

Add a new Go program to the list of available Go programs. The name field should contain a label for the Attach menu. The command field should contain the command to run the Go program.

Edit Programs

Edit the list of available Go programs.

Go Menu


Go to the start position of the current game.

Backward 10

Go backward ten moves.


Go backward one move.


Go forward one move.

Forward 10

Go forward ten moves.


Go to end of the current variation.

Go to Move

Go to a certain move number in the current variation.

Next Variation

Go to the next variation.

Previous Variation

Go to the previous variation.

Next Earlier Variation

Go to the next variation earlier in the game tree.

Previous Earlier Variation

Go to the previous variation earlier in the game tree.

Back to Main Variation

Go back to the main variation.

Go to Variation

Go to the first node of a certain variation.

Edit Menu

Find in Comments

Find the next game node containing a search pattern in its comment text. The search is case insensitive. The pattern is a regular expression as used by the java.util.regex.Pattern class, similar to Perl syntax.

Find Next

Find the next game node containing the last entered search pattern.

Make Main Variation

Make the current variation to the main variation.

Delete Side Variations

Delete all variations except for the main variation. This item is only enabled if the current node is in the main variation.

Keep Only Position

Delete all variations and create a new game tree with the current position as setup stones in the root node.


Truncate the current variation beginning at and including the current node. The current position will change to the father node of the current node in the game tree.

Truncate Children

Truncate all child variations of the current node.

Setup Black

Enter setup mode and set the current color to Black or leave setup mode if the current mode is already setup mode and the current color is Black. In setup mode, you can place or remove stones of the current color. It is also possible to place stones of the opposite color (without switching the current color) by pressing a modifier key while placing a stone (Ctrl, Alt or Meta) or using the right mouse button. See also: Setup White

Setup White

Enter setup mode and set the current color to White or leave setup mode the current mode is already setup mode and the current color is White. See also: Setup Black

View Menu


Show or hide the toolbar.

Info Panel

Show or hide the game information panel at the right side of the board.

Board Orientation

Select the point of view from which the board is displayed. Rotate 180° presents it from the opponents place. Flip Horizontally and Flip Vertically may be used in case of malformed SGF files, which are created by some programs.


Show the cursor on the board for keyboard navigation.

Grid Labels

Show grid labels for board columns and rows.

Last Move

Mark the last move with a gray dot. If ??? is set to Siblings, the last move will not be marked if there are sibling variations.

Move Numbers

Show the move numbers for all moves played so far as labels on the board.

Play Sound

Beep after each computer move. Some versions of Java use the PC speaker for the beep, and some generate the sound using the sound card.

Monospace Comment Font

Use a fixed-width font in the comment field.

Variation Labels

If set to Children, the first moves of all variations from this position will be marked with labels (also if the current node has only a main variation and no side variations). If set to Siblings, all variations from the parent position will be marked (not if the parent node has only a main variation and no side variations). The labels are letters starting with 'A' ('*' will be used after 'Z'). If multiple variations start with the same move, a '>' is appended.

Icon Size

Set the size of the GoGui icons in the user's preferences. The application should be closed to apply the modifications.

Tree / Labels

Configure the labels on the tree nodes.

Tree / Size

Configure the size of the tree nodes.

Tree / Subtree Sizes

Show the number of nodes in the subtree for nodes that are not expanded. Showing the subtree size can slow down the updating of the game tree window if large trees are edited.

Shell / Popup Completions

Popup a window with command completions when entering a command.

Shell / Auto Number

Automatically number GTP commands. Note that some Go programs don't comply to the GTP standard and do not support commands with a numerical ID. They will usually answer with "Unknown command", because they try to parse the ID as a command.

Shell / Timestamp

Prepend each sent command and received response in the GTP shell window with a time stamp.

Bookmarks Menu

Add Bookmark

Add a new bookmark.

Edit Bookmarks

Edit the list of bookmarks.

Tools Menu

Tree Viewer

Show the game tree window.

Analyze Commands

Show a window to select analyze commands (see Chapter 7, Analyze Commands).

GTP Shell

Show the GTP shell window.

Reattach Program

Restart the current Go program and synchronize it to the current game at the current position again.

Reattach With Parameters

Like Reattach Program but saves the current program parameters to a temporary GTP file and restores them after the program was reattached (see Save Parameters). If the program is dead but a parameter snapshot exists it will be reattached with the parameter snapshot.

Snapshot Parameters

Like Save Parameters but automatically saves to a temporary file that can be restored during the current session with Restore Parameters. This command is useful for developers who want to debug a crash of the program (which does not allow the developer to use Reattach With Parameters because the program must still be alive when running this command).

Restore Parameters

See Snapshot Parameters.

Save Parameters

Saves a GTP file for restoring the current state of all parameters from all analyze commands of type "param" (see Chapter 7, Analyze Commands). To restore the parameters, use the Send File or Send Recent menu items.

Save Log

Save the GTP streams to a log file.

Save Commands

Save the sent GTP commands to a file.

Send File

Send GTP commands from a file to the engine. This can be used to send a file containing GTP commands that configure parameters of the engine. The file is not allowed to contain any GTP command that change the board state. All commands are expected to succeed, sending will be aborted with an error message if a command fails.

Send Recent

Send GTP commands from a recently opened file to the engine. See Send File.

Help Menu

GoGui Help

Open a window for browsing the GoGui documentation.


Show the version and other information for GoGui, the Java platform, and the currently attached Go program.