By default, GoGui deals with GTP engines that play the game of Go, but it can
support other games if the GTP engine implements additional extensions to the
protocol. These extensions lets the GTP engine determine the board
configuration after a move is played, the list of legal moves, and the game
result when the game is over. This way, it is possible to use GoGui to play
games such as renju, gomoku, or Othello.
The ruler program must indicate the command it supports with
Start a program from the list of ruler programs and synchronize it to the
current game at the current position.
If a ruler was already attached, it will be terminated, before the new
ruler is started.
If the ruler is for a game different from its predecessor, the position is cleared
from the ruler's initial position (called by
Terminate the currently attached ruler program.
Add a new ruler program.
The name field should contain a label for the
The command field should contain the command to run the ruler program.
Edit the list of available ruler programs.
A ruler program must support the followin commands:
- gogui-rules_game_id
The response of the command is a string that specifies the game that is managed
by the GTP program. It must begin with an uppercase letter and then contain
only lowercase characters.
Example :
= Othello
- gogui-rules_board
The response of the command is a board of string containing '.' for an empty
intersection of the Goban, 'X' for a black stone or 'O' for a white stone.
Other characters are ignored.
This command will be used to display the board in GoGui.
Example :
= . . . . . . . . .
. . X . O . X . .
. X . . . . . . .
. . O . . . . O .
. . . . . . . O .
. O . X . . O X .
. . O X . . . X .
. X O . . X O X .
. . . . . O . . .
- gogui-rules_board_gfx
The response of the command is a gfx analyze command string. It can be
used to display game-specific graphics on the board. For instance, a
chess program can use this command to display square colors and piece
- gogui-rules_captured_count
Number of stones captured for each player. The output of this command is two integers, separated by a space. The first number is the number of stones captured by Black, and the second number is the number of stones captured by White.
Example :
= 0 1
- gogui-rules_board_size
The response of the command is a string containing an integer that specifies
the board size of the game. The board in GoGui will always be non-resizable
when a ruler program is attached.
Example :
= 15
- gogui-rules_legal_moves
Possible move list command for the current side to move.
The command is used to determine the moves that the player will be able to play
(otherwise, an illegal move message will be sent).
The command result must necessarily be a string of the following syntax :
"A1 B9 C5 C6 pass".
The character 'I' must not be used. The 8th letter is 'H' and the 9th letter is
'J' like in the Go standards. Numbers start with 1 instead of 0.
Pass must appear in response to this command if the player is allowed
to pass.
If no move is possible, the game ends.
Example :
= A1 A2 A3 A5 A6 A7 A9 B1 B2 B4 B5 B6
B8 C1 C2 C6 C7 C8 D2 D4 D5 D7 D8 E1
E2 E4 E6 E7 F6 F8 F9 G2 G3 G5 G6 G7
G8 H1 H5 H6 H9 J1 J3 J4 J5 J7 J8 pass
- gogui-rules_side_to_move
The command must return a string beginning with
, 'B'
or 'W'
Example :gogui-rules_side_to_move
= white
- gogui-rules_final_result
The result of this command is a string that will be shown in a dialog box when
the game is over. This is the only way to notice about the game result when a
ruler program is attached since the menu is
Example :
= White wins by 4 points. Final score
is B 30 and W 34.
The game ends if the response to the command gogui-rules_legal_moves
is an empty string.
Then, GoGui queries the score to the ruler program with
and shows the result string
in a dialog box.